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How do We "Get Right With God"?

Chapter 10
By Daniel LeEarl Hall

The other day I was surfing the TV channels and came to TBN (Trinity Broadcast Network). I was surprised to hear a man preaching grace. For a few minutes he expounded the Word of God as it truly is. Then he asked, "So, how do we get this grace?" He hesitated, then said, "There are three things you gotta do to receive this grace."

Up went the big red flag. Whenever anyone uses the phrase, "You gotta," I know they are preaching themselves, not the Word of God. (2Cor. 4:5) He then proceeded to outline the three things.

"First, you gotta believe... and participate!" If he would have just stopped with believe, he would have been okay. But, he couldn't help himself. What did he mean by "participate"? He didn't explain because he didn't want to use the word, ”works."

But his second requirement parroted a very popular phrase today among such ministries. He said, "Secondly, you've got to get right with God!" (The third thing was you gotta humble yourself)

He didn't explain much about this second grace requirement either, but I am sure that he has an entire list of things that fall under this category, starting with tithing, changing your behavior, etc. etc.

Telling us that we have to "get right with God" implies that we are "back-sliders," another favorite claim of these preachers. So, what is a back-slider? Supposedly a Christian that has been sinning, their flesh not living up to god's perfect, righteous, and holy standards.

First, it is impossible for our flesh nature to live up to God's holiness. (Rom. 8:7,8) Second, our spirit is incorruptible,(1Peter 1:23) so it didn't back-slide. Third, our flesh cannot back-slide. It never came forward in the first place, so how can it go back, or back-slide. God did not fix our flesh. He will do that in the future. (Phil. 3:21)

So, the question is "How do we get right with God"? If there were some flesh-works that we had to do to get right with God, we would be in trouble, because we couldn't do it, for we cannot be justified by works of the flesh. (Rom. 3:24)

When God moved our spirit to believe and receive Jesus, we died to sin and He made us right with Him. We will never be more right than we are this very moment, especially by self-sanctification, or any other flesh-works or self-righteous activities. God sees us right now, seated with Him in heaven. (Eph. 2:6)

Paul said that we are justified freely by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus." (Rom. 3:24) God through Christ has justified us, which means that He has made us right with Him by His grace. If we have believed and received Jesus Christ, we are right with God. Rest in that truth.

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