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TowerWatch Ministries
Helping Christians Reach Jehovah's Witnesses
with the Gospel of Our Savior Jesus Christ



Watchtower Newsletters

Watchtower Newsletters - $15 

Kingdom News  The longest running continuously published periodical, next to The Watchtower itself. What's more, issue #1, released in March 1918, is arguably one of the rarest of all the Society's publications. After publishing the first 3 tabloid-sized issues in 1918, the Society took a break until July 1939 when issue #4 appeared as a 4-page (9 x 12) newsletter, followed by 11 more similar-sized 2-page issues from 1939 to 1946, the publications rested again until 1973, when it reemerged as a 4-page (7 x 9) brochure. Because the Watchtower Library disc already contains the Kingdom News since 1973, this disc will serve as its companion by filling in the gap and transporting the researcher back to the beginning of this fascinating newsletter.

Director  Succeeded the Bulletin and served as the predecessor to the Informant. It enjoyed a brief existence from October 1935 to June 1936. As a result, any issue of the Director is extremely rare. It provided "Field Publishers" with information regarding: organization instructions, new publications, campaigns, statistic's, conventions, radio broadcasts, sound equipment, etc. This disc contains the Director for all nine months, and as an added bonus, it includes the "Special October Issue" and the "January Extra" issue, for a total of eleven exceptionally rare gems.

Informant  Replaced the Director and served as the predecessor to the modern-day Kingdom Ministry. It ran from July 1936 to August 1956, in two different sizes. Initially, from 1936 to 1950, the issues were the same large 2-page format as the Director (9 x 12). However, some months saw 2 issues, and periodically, some issues were published with  pages. In 1951, the issues changed to a 4-page (7 x9) format, which mirrors the current Kingdom Ministry in format, scope and purpose.

Search, view, zoom and print any of over 700 pages

PC (Windows) and MAC compatible. Published by Research Applications Intl. 

Shipping:  $5.00 per order not per item
Price:  $15
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Seventy Years of Watchtower Publications on Twelve CD's

Now Only $15 ea or $140 for the Set




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